
The "Cost of non-Europe" in public-sector procurement

by WS Atkins Management Consultants in association with Eurequip SA-Roland Berger & Partner-Eurequip Italia ; pt. A, pt. B. -- Commission of the European Communities, 1988. -- (Research on the "Cost of non-Europe" : basic findings ; v. 5, part A, B). <BB00000264>

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標題および責任表示 The "Cost of non-Europe" in public-sector procurement / by WS Atkins Management Consultants in association with Eurequip SA-Roland Berger & Partner-Eurequip Italia
出版・頒布事項 Luxembourg : Commission of the European Communities , 1988
形態事項 2 v. (828 p.) : ill. ; 30 cm
巻次等 pt. A
ISBN 9282586464
巻次等 pt. B
ISBN 9282586472
書誌構造リンク Research on the "Cost of non-Europe" : basic findings <BB00000260> v. 5, part A, B//b
注記 Bibliography: pt. A: p. 531-551; pt. B: p. 815-819
注記 "Document"
学情ID BA04873006
本文言語コード 英語 フランス語
著者標目リンク Commission of the European Communities <AU00106016>
著者標目リンク WS Atkins Management Consultants <AU01026922>
分類標目 経済政策.国際経済 NDC8:333.6
件名標目等 European Community -- Public undertaking
件名標目等 Europe -- Economic integration
件名標目等 Europe -- Economic policy
件名標目等 Europe -- Social policy