
The tribal system in Wales : being part of an inquiry into the structure and methods of tribal society

by Frederic Seebohm. -- 2nd ed., with an introductory note on the unit of family holding under early tribal custom. -- Longmans, Green, 1904. <BB20086214>

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標題および責任表示 The tribal system in Wales : being part of an inquiry into the structure and methods of tribal society / by Frederic Seebohm
版事項 2nd ed., with an introductory note on the unit of family holding under early tribal custom
出版・頒布事項 London ; New York : Longmans, Green , 1904
形態事項 xlvi, 238, 127 p., [3] leaves of plates : col. maps ; 23 cm
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
学情ID BA13738792
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Seebohm, Frederic, 1833-1912 <AU00134193>
件名標目等 Tribes
件名標目等 Land tenure -- Wales