
De dominio maris dissertatio

by Cornelius van Bynkershoek ; a photographic reproduction of the second edition (1744) with an English translation by Ralph Van Deman Magoffin ; and an introduction by James Brown Scott. -- Oxford University Press, 1923. -- (The Classics of international law ; [11]). <BB20053853>

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請求記号 319||C84||4
資料ID 005409388
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標題および責任表示 De dominio maris dissertatio / by Cornelius van Bynkershoek ; a photographic reproduction of the second edition (1744) with an English translation by Ralph Van Deman Magoffin ; and an introduction by James Brown Scott
出版・頒布事項 New York : Oxford University Press , 1923
形態事項 107 p., [1] leaf, [351]-424, 425-429 p. ; 26 cm
書誌構造リンク The Classics of international law <BB20053852> [11]//a
注記 "In 1702 there was published the original edition."--Introd
注記 "Publications of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Division of International law."
注記 The t.-p. of the facsimile is that of the author's Opera minora, 2d edition, from which the Latin text of this work is photographed (1 ., p. [351]-424)
注記 "An index of authors cited and a list of errata in the 1744 edition, prepared by Herbert Francis Wright": p. 425-429
学情ID BA14270197
本文言語コード ラテン語 英語
著者標目リンク *Bijnkershoek, Cornelis van, 1673-1743 <AU20024703>
著者標目リンク Magoffin, Ralph Van Deman, 1874-1942 <AU20024704>
著者標目リンク Scott, James Brown, 1866-1943 <AU20024701>
著者標目リンク Wright, Herbert F. (Herbert Francis), 1892-1945 <>
件名標目等 International law
件名標目等 Freedom of the seas
件名標目等 Territorial waters
件名標目等 Sea-power
件名標目等 Maritime law