
London : urban patterns, problems, and policies

a study sponsored by the Centre for Environmental Studies ; edited by David Donnison and David Eversley. -- Heinemann Educational, 1973. -- (Centre for Environmental Studies series). <BB00011069>

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0001 図書館 3F一般
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No. 0001
所蔵館 図書館
配置場所 3F一般
請求記号 318.6||U85||112
資料ID 005033907
状態 配架中
予約 0件


標題および責任表示 London : urban patterns, problems, and policies / a study sponsored by the Centre for Environmental Studies ; edited by David Donnison and David Eversley
出版・頒布事項 London : Heinemann Educational , 1973
形態事項 xii, 452 p. : ill., map, plan ; 23 cm
ISBN 0435859218
書誌構造リンク Centre for Environmental Studies series <BB01010253>//a
注記 Papers presented at a series of seminars convened by the Greater London Council's Chief Strategic Planner and the Director of the Centre for Environmental Studies, and discussed at a conference organized by the Centre for Environmental Studies in July 1972
注記 Includes bibliographies and index
学情ID BA2380655X
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Donnison, David Vernon <AU00140270>
著者標目リンク Eversley, David Edward Charles <AU01018239>
著者標目リンク Centre for Environmental Studies (Great Britain) <AU01016078>
分類標目 LCC:HN398.L7
分類標目 DC:309.1/421/085
件名標目等 London (England) -- Social conditions