
Towards a fair global labour market : avoiding a new slave trade

Ozay Mehmet, Errol Mendes and Robert Sinding. -- Routledge, 1999. -- (Routledge studies in the modern world economy ; 17). <BB00339643>

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標題および責任表示 Towards a fair global labour market : avoiding a new slave trade / Ozay Mehmet, Errol Mendes and Robert Sinding
出版・頒布事項 London : Routledge , 1999
形態事項 xiv, 244 p. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0415166829
書誌構造リンク Routledge studies in the modern world economy <BB01015701> 17//a
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p. 222-232) and index
学情ID BA39780160
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Mehmet, Ozay <AU00113609>
著者標目リンク Mendes, Errol <AU00114418>
著者標目リンク Sinding, Robert, 1970- <AU00114419>
分類標目 LCC:HD7795
分類標目 DC21:331.12
件名標目等 Labor policy -- International cooperation
件名標目等 Labor laws and legislation, International
件名標目等 Foreign trade and employment
件名標目等 Investments, Foreign, and employment
件名標目等 International trade -- Moral and ethical aspects
件名標目等 Wages -- Effect of international trade on
件名標目等 Employee rights
件名標目等 International Labour Organisation
件名標目等 World Trade Organization