
World Christian encyclopedia : a comparative survey of churches and religions in the modern world

David B. Barrett, George T. Kurian, Todd M. Johnson ; : set, v. 1, v. 2. -- 2nd ed. -- Oxford University Press, 2001. <BB00361576>

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標題および責任表示 World Christian encyclopedia : a comparative survey of churches and religions in the modern world / David B. Barrett, George T. Kurian, Todd M. Johnson
版事項 2nd ed
出版・頒布事項 Oxford ; New York ; Tokyo : Oxford University Press , 2001
形態事項 2 v. : ill., col. maps ; 32 cm
巻次等 : set
ISBN 0195079639
巻次等 v. 1
ISBN 0195103181
巻次等 v. 2
ISBN 019510319X
その他の標題 原タイトル:World Christian encyclopedia : a comparative study of churches and religions in the modern world, AD 1900-2000
注記 Contents: v. 1. The world by countries : religionists, churches, ministries -- v. 2. The world by segments : religions, peoples, languages, cities, topics
注記 Vol. 2 includes bibliographical references (p. [679]-697) and indexes
注記 Previous ed. 1982 in one vol.: World Christian encyclopedia : a comparative study of churches and religions in the modern world, AD 1900-2000
学情ID BA50394229
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク Barrett, David B. <AU00122673>
著者標目リンク Kurian, George Thomas <AU00122674>
著者標目リンク Johnson, Todd M. <AU00122675>
分類標目 LCC:BR157
分類標目 DC21:230/.003
件名標目等 Christianity
件名標目等 Christian sects
件名標目等 Ecclesiastical geography
件名標目等 Christianity -- Statistics