
The Iroquois book of rites

edited by Horatio Hale . The Güegüence / edited by Daniel G. Brinton. -- [Reprint ed.]. -- Hon-no-tomosha, 2001. -- (Library of aboriginal American literature ; v. 2). <BB00382160>

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資料ID 005282330
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標題および責任表示 The Iroquois book of rites / edited by Horatio Hale . The Güegüence / edited by Daniel G. Brinton
版事項 [Reprint ed.]
出版・頒布事項 Tokyo : Hon-no-tomosha , 2001
形態事項 v, 222, lii, 94 p. : ill., map, music ; 20 cm
ISBN 4894393530
書誌構造リンク Library of aboriginal American literature <BB00382166> v. 2//a
注記 English and Iroqouian languages
注記 Originally published in 2 vols., reprinted in one vol.
注記 Originally published in series: Brinton's library of aboriginal American literature ; nos. 2 & 3
注記 Originally published: Philadelphia : D.G. Brinton , 1883
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
学情ID BA5180754X
本文言語コード 英語 イロコイ諸語
著者標目リンク *Hale, Horatio, 1817-1896 <AU00130549>
著者標目リンク Brinton, Daniel Garrison, 1837-1899 <AU00130548>
分類標目 LCC:E99.I7
分類標目 LCC:PM4070.Z77
分類標目 DC:970.3
分類標目 DC:497/.4
件名標目等 Iroquois Indians
件名標目等 Mohawk language -- Texts
件名標目等 Onondaga language -- Texts
件名標目等 Nahuatl-Spanish dialect -- Texts
件名標目等 Indians of Central America -- Nicaragua -- Drama