
Political economy in federal states : selected essays of Stanley L. Winer

Stanley L. Winer. -- E. Elgar, 2002. -- (Studies in fiscal federalism and state-local finance). <BB20010866>

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標題および責任表示 Political economy in federal states : selected essays of Stanley L. Winer / Stanley L. Winer
出版・頒布事項 Cheltenham : E. Elgar , c2002
形態事項 xxii, 328 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
ISBN 1840647817
書誌構造リンク Studies in fiscal federalism and state-local finance <BB01017465>//a
注記 Facsimile reprint of articles
注記 Includes bibliographical references and index
学情ID BA58331550
本文言語コード 英語
著者標目リンク *Winer, Stanley L., 1947- <AU00115585>
件名標目等 Intergovernmental fiscal relations -- Canada
件名標目等 Intergovernmental tax relations -- Canada
件名標目等 Federal government -- Canada
件名標目等 Intergovernmental fiscal relations -- United States
件名標目等 Intergovernmental tax relations -- United States
件名標目等 Federal government -- United States
件名標目等 Intergovernmental fiscal relations -- Australia
件名標目等 Intergovernmental tax relations -- Australia
件名標目等 Federal government -- Australia